Milano Fuori Salone 2009
帰国展 - 大阪
イナックス ザ タイルスペース INAX the TILE space
〒 550-0013 大阪市西区新町1-7-1 INAX大阪ビル2F

2009 6.8(月)-19(金) 10:00〜18:00


2009 6.12(金) 19:00〜20:30


Japanese traditional culture, art, and craft survived through the ages, sometimes adopting foreign cultures. Those were nurtured as the new art ard design. Architects, designers, and artists those who are active in Japanese representative areas, cultural city Kyoto having a long history of 1200 years and the biggest modern city Tokyo and Osaka, join for this time. Our exhibition "shapes of Japanese style" propose new types of furnishing in which traditional Japanese shapes, esthetic, and sensibility refresh contemporary interior and life style. Designers and artists present shapes of Japan, under the theme of "ZA" (it means sit and a position), again in Milano where integrates European tradition and modernity.

作家 Artists & Designers

往蔵 稲史仁 Designer  Toshihito Okura
矢作 彩子 Architect and Interior Planner  Ayako Yahagi
福嶋 秀子 Japanese paper planner  Hideko Fukushima
曽和 治好 Landscape Architect  Hal SOWA ph.D.
友田 多恵子 WASHI Paper Artist  Taeko Tomoda
井上 まるみ Architect  Marumi Inoue
草木 義博 Architect  Yoshihiro Kusaki
コーディネート Coordination  中田 かえ子 Kaeko Nakata
題字 Calligraphy  友田 多恵子 Taeko Tomoda
グラフィック Graphic design  佐々木 まなび Manabi Sasaki
WEB制作 Websight 福嶋秀子 Hideko Fukushima
主催 Organized by
Committee of exhibition shapes of Japanese style
共催 Co-organized by 関西インテリアプランナー協会 東京インテリアプランナー協会
後援 Supported by 京都府、京都市、京都商工会議所 日本インテリアプランナー協会 東京都、東京商工会議所
事務局 Office
1-11 Kowaki-cho, Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-0957, JAPAN
TEL:+81(0)75-712-5525  FAX:+81(0)75-712-5503
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